





「PHP Extension and Application Repository」の略。




pear list-all

All packages [Channel]:
Package                                        Latest     Local
pear/Archive_Tar                               1.4.9      1.4.7  Tar file management class
pear/Archive_Zip                               0.1.2             Zip file archiving management class
pear/Auth                                      1.6.4             Creating an authentication system.
pear/Auth_HTTP                                 2.1.8             HTTP authentication
pear/Auth_PrefManager                          1.2.2             Preferences management class
pear/Auth_PrefManager2                         2.0.0dev1         Preferences management class
pear/Auth_RADIUS                               1.1.0             Wrapper Classes for the RADIUS PECL.
pear/Auth_SASL                                 1.1.0             Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
pear/Auth_SASL2                                0.2.0             Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
pear/Benchmark                                 1.2.9             Framework to benchmark PHP scripts or function calls.
pear/Cache                                     1.5.6             Framework for caching of arbitrary data.
pear/Cache_Lite                                1.8.3             Fast and Safe little cache system
pear/Calendar                                  0.5.5             A package for building Calendar data structures (irrespective of output)
pear/CodeGen                                   1.0.7             Tool to create Code generaters that operate on XML descriptions
pear/CodeGen_MySQL                             1.0.0RC1          Abstract base package for MySQL code generators
pear/CodeGen_MySQL_Plugin                      0.9.2             Tool to generate MySQL Pugins from an XML description
pear/CodeGen_MySQL_UDF                         1.0.0RC1          Tool to generate MySQL UDF extensions from an XML description
pear/CodeGen_PECL                              1.1.3             Tool to generate PECL extensions from an XML description
pear/Config                                    1.10.12           Your configuration's swiss-army knife.
pear/Config_Lite                               0.2.6             a lightweight and fast Config class for ini style text configuration files.
pear/Console_Color                             1.0.3             This Class allows you to easily use ANSI console colors in your application.
pear/Console_Color2                            0.1.2             This Class allows you to easily use ANSI console colors in your application.
pear/Console_CommandLine                       1.2.2             A full featured command line options and arguments parser
pear/Console_Getargs                           1.4.0             A command-line arguments parser
pear/Console_Getopt                            1.4.3      1.4.2  Command-line option parser
pear/Console_GetoptPlus                        1.0.0RC1          Command-line option parser - Console Getopt+ (Getopt Plus)
pear/Console_ProgressBar                       0.5.2beta         This class provides you with an easy-to-use interface to progress bars.
pear/Console_Table                             1.3.1             Library that makes it easy to build console style tables
pear/Contact_AddressBook                       0.5.1             Address book export-import class
pear/Contact_Vcard_Build                       1.1.2             Build (create) and fetch vCard 2.1 and 3.0 text blocks.
pear/Contact_Vcard_Parse                       1.32.0            Parse vCard 2.1 and 3.0 files.
pear/Crypt_Blowfish                            1.1.0RC2          Allows for quick two-way blowfish encryption without requiring the MCrypt PHP extension.
pear/Crypt_CBC                                 1.0.1             A class to emulate Perl's Crypt::CBC module.
pear/Crypt_CHAP                                1.5.0             Generating CHAP packets.
pear/Crypt_DiffieHellman                       0.2.6             Implementation of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange cryptographic protocol for PHP5
pear/Crypt_GPG                                 1.6.4             GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)
pear/Crypt_HMAC                                1.0.1             A class to calculate RFC 2104 compliant hashes.
pear/Crypt_HMAC2                               1.0.0             Implementation of Hashed Message Authentication Code for PHP5
pear/Crypt_MicroID                             0.1.0             PHP MicroID library.
pear/Crypt_RC4                                 1.0.3             Encryption class for RC4 encryption.

                                                                 Users are highly encourages to migrate to Crypt_RC42 (Crypt RC4 2.0); a PHP5 compatible release with multiple bug fixes.
pear/Crypt_RC42                                0.9.0             Encryption class for RC4 encryption for PHP 5
pear/Crypt_RSA                                 1.2.1             Provides RSA-like key generation, encryption/decryption, signing and signature checking.

                                                                 Users are strongly advised to migrate to phpseclib's Crypt_RSA; which is better maintained and less vulnerable to security issues.
pear/Crypt_Xtea                                1.1.0             A class that implements the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) (New Variant).
pear/Crypt_XXTEA                               0.9.0             An implementation of the XXTEA encryption algorithm. NOTICE: unregular default behavior.
pear/Date                                      1.5.0a4           Generic date/time handling class for PEAR
pear/Date_Holidays                             0.21.8            Driver based class to calculate holidays.
pear/Date_Holidays_Australia                   0.2.2             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Australia.
pear/Date_Holidays_Austria                     0.1.6             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Austria.
pear/Date_Holidays_Brazil                      0.1.2             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Brazil.
pear/Date_Holidays_Chile                       0.1.0             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Chile.
pear/Date_Holidays_Croatia                     0.1.1             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Croatia.
pear/Date_Holidays_Czech                       0.1.0             Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Czech Republic.
pear/Date_Holidays_Denmark                     0.1.3             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Denmark.
pear/Date_Holidays_Discordian                  0.1.1             Driver based class to calculate Discordian holidays.
pear/Date_Holidays_EnglandWales                0.1.5             Driver based class to calculate holidays in England and Wales.
pear/Date_Holidays_Finland                     0.1.2             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Finland.
pear/Date_Holidays_France                      0.1.0             Driver based class to calculate holidays in France.
pear/Date_Holidays_Germany                     0.1.2             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Germany.
pear/Date_Holidays_Iceland                     0.1.2             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Iceland.
pear/Date_Holidays_Ireland                     0.1.3             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Ireland.
pear/Date_Holidays_Italy                       0.1.1             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Italy.
pear/Date_Holidays_Japan                       0.1.3             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Japan.
pear/Date_Holidays_Netherlands                 0.1.4             Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Netherlands.
pear/Date_Holidays_Norway                      0.1.2             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Norway.
pear/Date_Holidays_Peru                        0.1.0             Date_Holidays Driver for Holidays for Peru
pear/Date_Holidays_PHPdotNet                   0.1.2             Driver based class to calculate birthdays of some members of the community.
pear/Date_Holidays_Portugal                    0.1.1             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Portugal.
pear/Date_Holidays_Romania                     0.1.2             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Romania.
pear/Date_Holidays_Russia                      0.1.0             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Russia.
pear/Date_Holidays_SanMarino                   0.1.1             Driver based class to calculate holidays in San Marino.
pear/Date_Holidays_Serbia                      0.1.0             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Serbia.
pear/Date_Holidays_Slovenia                    0.1.2             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Slovenia.
pear/Date_Holidays_Spain                       0.1.4             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Spain.
pear/Date_Holidays_Sweden                      0.1.3             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Sweden.
pear/Date_Holidays_Turkey                      0.1.1             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Turkey.
pear/Date_Holidays_Ukraine                     0.1.2             Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Ukraine.
pear/Date_Holidays_UNO                         0.1.3             Driver based class to calculate holidays in UNO.
pear/Date_Holidays_USA                         0.1.1             Driver based class to calculate holidays in USA.
pear/Date_Holidays_Venezuela                   0.1.1             Driver based class to calculate holidays in Venezuela.
pear/Date_HumanDiff                            0.5.0             Generate textual time differences that are easily understandable by humans
pear/DB                                        1.10.0            Database Abstraction Layer
pear/DBA                                       1.1.1             Berkely-style database abstraction class
pear/DBA_Relational                            0.2.0             Berkely-style database abstraction class
pear/DB_ado                                    1.3.1             DB driver which use MS ADODB library
pear/DB_DataObject                             1.11.5            An SQL Builder, Object Interface to Database Tables
pear/DB_DataObject_FormBuilder                 1.0.2             Class to automatically build HTML_QuickForm objects from a DB_DataObject-derived class
pear/DB_ldap                                   1.2.1             DB interface to LDAP server
pear/DB_ldap2                                  0.5.1             DB drivers for LDAP v2 and v3 database
pear/DB_NestedSet                              1.4.1             API to build and query nested sets
pear/DB_NestedSet2                                               API to build and query nested sets
pear/DB_odbtp                                  1.0.4             DB interface for ODBTP
pear/DB_Pager                                  0.7.2             Retrieve and return information of database result sets
pear/DB_QueryTool                              1.1.2             An OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB.
pear/DB_Sqlite_Tools                           0.1.7             DB_Sqlite_Tools is an object oriented interface to effectively manage and backup Sqlite databases.
pear/DB_Table                                  1.5.6             An object oriented interface to, and model of, a database. Integrates with HTML_QuickForm.
pear/Event_Dispatcher                          1.1.0             Dispatch notifications using PHP callbacks
pear/Event_SignalEmitter                       0.3.2             Generic signal emitting class with the same API as GObject.
pear/File                                      1.4.1             Common file and directory routines
pear/File_Archive                              1.5.5             File_Archive will let you manipulate easily the tar, gz, tgz, bz2, tbz, zip, ar (or deb) files
pear/File_Bittorrent                           1.1.0             Decode and Encode data in Bittorrent format
pear/File_Bittorrent2                          1.3.1             Decode and Encode data in Bittorrent format
pear/File_Cabinet                              0.1.0             Microsoft Cabinet file extraction using either cabextract or expand
pear/File_CSV                                  1.0.0             Read and write of CSV files
pear/File_CSV_DataSource                       1.0.1             Simple data access object for csv files in php5.
pear/File_DeliciousLibrary                     0.1.1             Parser for the library database of the Delicious Library software.
pear/File_DICOM                                0.3               Package for reading and modifying DICOM files
pear/File_DNS                                  0.1.0             Manipulate RFC1033-style DNS Zonefiles
pear/File_Find                                 1.3.3             A Class the facilitates the search of filesystems
pear/File_Fortune                              1.0.0             File_Fortune provides an interface for reading from and writing to fortune files.
pear/File_Fstab                                2.0.3             Read and write fstab files
pear/File_Gettext                              0.4.2             GNU Gettext file parser
pear/File_HtAccess                             1.2.1             Manipulate .htaccess files
pear/File_IMC                                  0.5.0             Create and parse Internet Mail Consortium-style files (like vCard and vCalendar)
pear/File_Infopath                             0.1.0             A package to read the schema and views in html from a Microsoft Infopath file
pear/File_MARC                                 1.4.1             Parse, modify, and create MARC records
pear/File_Mogile                               0.2.0             PHP interface to MogileFS
pear/File_Ogg                                  0.3.1             Retrieves metadata from Ogg files.
pear/File_Passwd                               1.1.7             Manipulate many kinds of password files
pear/File_PDF                                  0.3.3             PDF generation using only PHP.
pear/File_SearchReplace                        1.1.4             Performs search and replace routines.The package always perform replace and doesn't provide separate functions for search.
pear/File_Sitemap                              0.1.4             Create and manage sitemap files.
pear/File_SMBPasswd                            1.0.3             Class for managing SAMBA style password files.
pear/File_Therion                              0.4.1             File_Therion provides an object oriented interface to Therions .th cave-data files.
pear/File_Util                                 1.0.0             Common file and directory utility functions
pear/File_XSPF                                 0.3.1             Package for Manipulating XSPF Playlists
pear/FSM                                       1.4.0             Finite Sta